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New LDS FICTION: Augustina, by Rebecca Belliston

I woke up earlier than I wanted today to get my girl off to camp, but instead of going back to bed, I had to check. I had to see if maybe, just maybe, it had cleared. And guess what. It had.

It’s available in these formats:


I’m thrilled beyond reason. I can’t believe Augustina is out in the world. I started it nearly five years ago. Wow. Talk about a long process. 🙂

I went ziplining two weeks ago in Southern Utah. If you’ve ever been, you know the feeling you get when you’re strapped in ready to go, and you want to do it. It’s going to be a blast! But you have to jump–literally–off the ledge 100 feet above the ground and zip across a river. You have to trust in the harness, in the strong cords, and your guide to show you how not to die.

The whole time, a little corner of your mind is screaming, “WHAT AM I DOING?”









That’s kinda how it feels to launch a book.

I’m super excited. It’s going to be a blast! But I’m kinda scared, too. What will you all think?

Oh well. I just jumped.

Needless to say, I couldn’t go back to sleep once I found out. 


Even better, though, is the two giveaways of Augustina ended at midnight last night, which means, we have TWO WINNERS of autographed copies! They are:

  1. Christine Sidaway (rafflecopter)

  2. JoLynne Lyon (goodreads)

And even even better (love my grammar?) is both winners are my friends! 600 people entered to win, and the two chosen by whatever random computer programs were friends. How cool is that?

I wish I could give free books to all my friends–to all of you–but my hubby won’t let me. 🙂 But giving them to Christine and JoLynne topped off my already great morning.

So it’s a good day. A great, awesomely wonderful day!


If you read Augustina, please let me know what you think. I love hearing from my readers! And if you have time, I’d love it if you posted a review on Amazon or Goodreads for me. Or if you have a blog and want to do a review, or interview me, or whatever, I can get you a review copy.

It really helps to have reviews on books!


You guys are the best!!!

(Have you ever sat on a proverbial ledge wondering if you should take the plunge? Did you do it? What about launching a book? Any ideas for me on how to not go crazy today?)


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