religious (non-hymn)
In my study of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I often find myself wanting to express my testimony in music. These are my original religious songs written for piano, vocal, and instrumental. You can find my hymn arrangements here.

Where Can I Turn? (VD)
Come and Be With Me (SATB)

oil for your lamps
Words by Gerald N. Lund
Music by Rebecca Belliston
The maidens sleep. Their lamps burn low. Their wait continues still.
And then far off a cry goes up and echoes through the hills.
"He comes," they call, "the Bridegroom comes! Prepare yourself for Him."
Alas the foolish have no oil. Their lamps are cold and dim.
But five were wise. They knew the wait would stretch into the night.
They brought the extra oil with them, and now they trim their lights.
And while the five, the foolish five, run out to buy their oil,
The Bridegroom comes. The door is shut. And they are left alone.
We cannot live on borrowed light when midnight's darkest hour is near.
We must have oil to light our lamps to greet the Savior there.
The oil comes drop by precious drop as we do good and choose the right.
We cannot live on borrowed light. The Spirit is my guide.
Again the cry is sounding forth: "The Bridegroom comes once more!"
Will I have oil enough to fill my inner reservoir?
I'll take the Spirit as my guide by living close to Him.
Then I can enter at the door when Jesus comes again.

feast upon his word
Original song written to the doctrinal mastery verse.
Music: Rebecca Belliston
Words: 2 Nephi 31:20; 32:3
Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Wherefore they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore I say unto you.
Feast upon the words of Christ.
For behold the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.
Wherefore feast upon the words of Christ.
Wherefore ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ,
Having a perfect brightness of hope and a love of God and all men.
If ye shall press forward feasting upon the word of Christ,
Press forward and endure to the end, behold, ye shall have eternal life.


come and be with me
A hymn of supplication set to Chopin's Etude Op. 10 No. 3
Music adapted by Rebecca Belliston
Words by Gerald N. Lund
SHEET MUSIC: SATB | Vocal Solo (High | Medium | Low)
As night closes in, my heart sinks low, I know that I have wandered far from Thee. I seek relief.
How I long to come back to Thy presence, and come again to Thy fold.
Lord, hear the cry of one unworthy; of one who has no right to call on Thee. I bend the knee.
Hear me now, Beloved Savior. Give me strength to never waiver;
Set me free before the night comes in.
Lift me within, raise me once again;
Come and set me free.
Joy fills my heart, I find release; Thy peace now heals the pain within my heart. I bow to thee.
Hear my cry, Beloved Savior. Give me strength to never waiver;
Here’s my heart, O seal it unto Thee.
And set me free. I kneel unto Thee,
With this humble plea: Come and be with me.
And be with me. And be with me.
Oh, be with me.

I will make weak things strong
Original song written to the doctrinal mastery verse.
Music: Rebecca Belliston
Words: Ether 12:27
FREE SHEET MUSIC: Vocal Solo (Men's)
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness.
I give unto men weakness that they may be humble.
And my grace is sufficient for all men That humble themselves before me.
For if they humble themselves before me, And have faith in me,
Then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
I will make weak things strong unto them.

we come unto thy house
Original hymn about worshiping in the house of the Lord.
Music by Rebecca Belliston
Words by Linda Day
We come unto thy house, O Lord. We turn our thoughts to thee.
We pray that thou'd forgive our sins, and help us worthy be.
We come to seek thy spirit, Lord. We leave the world behind.
We long to feel thy peaceful calm, and thy sweet comfort find.
And thy sweet comfort find.
We come to claim the blessings, Lord, that take us back to thee.
We come to seal our kindred dead and join our family.
We come that we might now go forth with spirits pledged anew.
We feel our hearts filled with resolve, and vow thy work to do.
And vow thy work to do.