Last weekend was the LDStorymakers Midwest Conference, the first LDStorymakers Conference outside of Utah.
It was awesome!!!

Barnes & Noble Authorpalooza Book Signing with Lynn Parsons, Steve Westover, Lisa Mangum, Karen Hoover, Heather Justesen, Don Carey, Laurie Lewis, Rebecca Belliston, Danyelle Ferguson, Tamara Heiner, Josi Kilpack, Traci Abramson
I’ll post later this week about all the great things I learned at the conference, but for now I wanted to post a few pictures with the people I met. Authors are so much fun, if I do say so myself. A bit quirky, too, but that’s what makes them/us so entertaining, right?
Though I’ve been a member of LDStorymakers for almost a year, and though I’d heard of and even chatted with many of the authors there, I’d only met one of them. Yet the whole group was quick to make me feel welcome and a part of their organization. I’m looking forward to being the secretary this next year.
We started off the weekend with a 13-author booksigning at the Barnes and Noble in the Oak Park Mall outside of Kansas City. (see picture above)

Can you tell I’m happy to be there? I had to fold my arms to keep them from shaking with excitement. 🙂

Hanging with the fabulous Heather Justesen. She was a lot of fun. When we weren’t signing books or talking to readers, we were chatting up a storm

I posted this picture to show off Sadie’s beautiful cover. I can’t tell you how many comments I received at the conference (and the past year) about the cover. I wish I could take credit for it, but Deseret Book’s Heather Ward designed it. I’ve loved it since the moment I saw it. And no, I don’t know the lady on the cover. 🙂
The next day was the actual conference, held in Olathe, Kansas.
I attended six classes, plus heard keynote addresses from Lisa Mangum and Josi Kilpack. Oh, and it just so happened that my name was drawn to sit at the table of honor with Lisa and Josi. Yep. Pretty rockin’ awesome. They’re two accomplished, gracious women who speak as well as they write.
However, I didn’t get my picture snapped with them. Bummer.
But the photo below is of me and Sharon, my good friend who let me drag her across the country to attend this conference. Though I really admired her before this trip, I am in awe of her now. Not only is she a great author, but she’s an amazing person. Plus she makes me laugh. And she didn’t make fun of me either. The whole trip. Even though I am a complete dork who couldn’t take the right exit even with Lady Garmin shouting the directions at me. See. Awesome friend.

Dinner with my friend and road-trip buddy, Sharon

Lisa Mangum gave several great addresses and classes. What a great presenter.

Attending Josi Kilpack’s class on Internal and External Conflict. It was awesome. The three great rules of writing are conflict, conflict, conflict
The picture below is our group.
The conference was set up in such a way that I felt like I was able to meet and converse with most of the people below. An excellent group of authors.

LDStorymakers Midwest Conference 2012 – Sharon and I are in the lower left corner
With luck, I’ll be able to attend again next year.
(thanks to Danyelle Ferguson for letting me use her pictures. My camera had issues. She was kind enough to allow me to post hers.)
Have a great one!
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