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Jan 6, 2016
Writers Helping Writers:Mastering the Art of Cliffhangers
Happy After Holidays! Anyone else ready to get back to a normal schedule? I am, because it finally means I get to pursue happiness–I...

Mar 23, 2015
MBM: 7 Editing Strategies by A.L. Sowards @alsowards
GIVEAWAY NOTE: I’m giving away two signed copies of Citizens of Logan Pond: LIFE over on Goodreads. These will have a brand new, shiny,...

Nov 29, 2012
Writing Tip #1: Keep Your Readers Reading by Knowing When to End Chapter
I’m so close to finishing my WIP, I can taste it. AUGUSTINA, the sequel to SADIE, should be done very, very soon. The first 2/3 is...
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